Fall 2012: I taught, we worked, I wore.

September 11, 2012
Key concepts
In the fall of 2012, I taught an undergraduate research methods class twice a week at Mount Saint Vincent University. These are many of the themes and topics we worked through – and what I wore.

September 18, 2012
Qualitative. Quantitative.

September 25, 2012
Case studies part 1

September 27, 2012
Case studies part 2

October 2, 2012
Student presentations

October 4, 2012
In-depth interviews

October 9, 2012
Statistical reasoning

October 11, 2012
Participant observation and virtual ethnography

October 16, 2012
Social media analytics & metrics.
Great guest speaker.

October 18, 2012
Focus groups

October 23, 2012
Secondary data assignment

October 25, 2012

October 30, 2012
Audiences & surveys

November 1, 2012
Markets, subjects, fans

November 6, 2012
Audiences & sampling

November 8, 2012
Quiz #3 and catchup

November 13, 2012
Content analysis & coding

November 15, 2012
Final project presentations start

November 15, 2012

November 20, 2012
Final presentations continue

November 22, 2012
Presentations continue & review essay structures (mapping)

November 27, 2012
Presentations finish & review for Quiz #4

November 29, 2012
Quiz #4 & making a graphic novel out of the course themes