Interview: Ursula Johnson
In an issue of No More Potlucks, I interview Ursula Johnson about her recent work and working processes. Here’s a sneak peak of some of her ArtSpots media, the remixed interview I did with material concerning Ursula during my dissertation project, and a couple of excerpts from Ursula’s performances. You’ll also find audio clips from the December 2013 interview I did with her. Check out much more about Ursula’s news and work on her own website.
Featured photo: Ursula Johnson and Caroline Gould. Freeze frame from remixed video concerning Ursula Johnson, (c) ME Luka, 2012; some material courtesy of CBC.
CBC ArtSpots media relating to Ursula Johnson
Courtesy of CBC ArtSpots as part of my dissertation research, and courtesy of the artist; each video takes about 5-10 seconds to load.
Ursula Johnson: Graduation show interview from CBC ArtSpots.
Ursula Johnson: Basketry interview from CBC ArtSpots
Caroline Gould: Basketry interview from CBC ArtSpots
A remixed interview from my dissertation project
Based on the above materials, additional ArtSpots related stills, and interviews and discussion groups held during my doctoral research. Video takes about 15 seconds to load.
Ursula Johnson: Remixed interviews from ME Luka dissertation on CBC ArtSpots, 2012
Video excerpts from performances
Courtesy of and (c) Ursula Johnson and photographers.
Ursula Johnson: Hot Looking excerpt from performance, 2013. Photographer: Angella Parsons.
A critique of No Doubt’s Looking Hot music video (2012). There was a great deal of popular culture coverage of the band pulling the music video after complaints from Aboriginal and other communities.
Ursula Johnson: Ikatk excerpt from performance, 2014. Photographer: ME Luka
A multi-hour sustained performance supporting a political stance of resistance, in solidarity with other artists, individuals, and communities – particularly Mikmaw women.
Audio clips from the December 2013 interview with Ursula Johnson
Make sure to check out NMP for the full interview.
Ursula Johnson: The early influence of theatre
Ursula Johnson: Working with Rita McKeough
Ursula Johnson: It’s like holding fire in your hands
Ursula Johnson: Mind-body connection in performance art
Ursula Johnson: It’s risky work but I’m cautious
Ursula Johnson: Regular critiques with my partner
Ursula Johnson: Some people are uneasy discussing Aboriginal art
Ursula Johnson: Considering my two-spirited nature
Ursula Johnson: Trauma to the land
Ursula Johnson: Who else is a colonized people
Ursula Johnson: I need my elders, I need my community
Ursula Johnson: Participating as a volunteer is a very personal experience
Ursula Johnson: Ketapekiaq Maqamikew (The Land Sings) for Antigonight Festival 2013